The purpose of this web-based tool is to allow landowners to explore options for capturing rainfall that will help the region’s watersheds function more naturally. The goal is for landowners to implement rainwater management solutions that allow their property to mimic the natural contribution of flows to streams and deep groundwater.
The tool allows homeowners to explore how their proposed works compare to the watershed targets that have been established by engineering analysis of watershed hydrologic responses to climate, given physical conditions and existing land use zoning allowances. The calculations completed within the Express are limited to verification of the site components with respect to those previously established targets. The Express does not undertake any other calculations. The design and location of rainwater management devices on a specific property requires consideration of the site characteristics which are beyond the scope of the Express tool. The design of off-site drainage systems, if required, must be completed in accordance with the requirements of the municipality or regional district.
Please note: The District of North Vancouver accepts no responsibility or liability for the manner in which this tool might be used. Property owners are solely responsible for accurately inputting data and interpreting results.
The Water Balance Model Express for Landowners is protected by the copyright laws and other intellectual property laws of Canada.
Use of the Water Balance Express Tool requires you to register and log in so that you can save your project(s) and return to them later. No personal information is collected or stored by the DNV or the Partnership for Water Sustainability. The email address you provide will be used only to send you your login details and will not be shared with any other parties nor used to send you any form of unsolicited emails.